The Cajun Explosion

1. to all: what is your favorite Tangst post ever and why?

To be honest I don’t tend to keep up with Tangst. And live underground.

2. if you could change your skin color to anything (natural, not natural, patterns, whatever), what would you choose and why?

It’d need to be a rull bitching swirly Full Metal Alchemist-esque tattoo, You know, the full body Scar’s brother had.

3. What is your most convincing argument for the theory that all other people are robots?

Don’t you ever have to change your deuterium rods every now and again?

4. If you had to date another admin, who would it be and why?

Pchis. I mean. That hair.

5. Movie or book that made the biggest impact on you

Well V For Vendetta is the best movie ever. But Travels made me want to see the world, and Stranger in a Strange Land is absolutely right.

6. if you could punch anyone in the face Right Now with no repercussions, who would it be?
It’s nothing horribly personal, and I love her to death, but becca.

7. If you had to kill one of the other admins who would it be?

Hannah, her foul potato armies have too long been opposed to the righteous might of asparagus

8. to all: Left or Right? (Interpret it as you see fit)

Socially very liberal, politically go fuck yourself. I suppose that means conservative, but I prefer the term “Elite, So Deal With Your Own Damn Self”

9. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

34 pounds sterling.

10. are you currently single?
It’s a perpetual state. Bodies not in motion stay not in motion

11. Have you had sex?

I’ve got a very loving relationship with myself

12. Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?
Do you dream at night, do you dream at day?
Do your dreams have meaning, are your dreams a waste?
Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?

(Yes, that was all really a question that I really would like answered - it wasn't meant to be a poem until I started rhyming.)

I dream perpetually, and so often my dreams are reality, so often my dreams are grey.

13. Do you have a bf/gf?

Answered above?

14. if you could have consequence-free sex with any oter admin, which would it be?


15. The premise is that you are stranded on a desert island with all the other admins (a little trite, I know):

Which admin would you eat first, if it came down to it?


Who do you think would take the major leadership role (i.e., who would be Ralph/Jack from LotF)

Who would go crazy first, assuming that someone did?
Box Box

16. who do u think has a crush on me (ben tan), and i do not mean the person who i know has a crush on me who doesn't even do tangst, i mean the person who posted

Matt Minnakus

17. Is the pursuit in life the journey or the destination?


18. Do you someday want children? If so, how many?

God no

19. If you were a popsicle, what would you taste like?


20. Would you rather be eaten by a shark or have to live the rest of your life with a cereal box over your head?

Cereal box

21. Would you rather marry another admin right now, or marry a complete stranger in 5 years?


23. What sandwich condiment best fits your personality and why?

Chocolate syrup. Because no one knows how well I go in sandwhiches. (I think you know what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the kind with 2 girls and a boy. A sexy, sexy boy)

25. who at enloe do you think ought to be sr class president? student body president?

Jesus. And Judas

26. Does anyone in your family know about tangst?


27. Is this spinal tap?

Duh, no

28. What is the relevance of the Etruscan civilization in modern culture?


29. Do you like eating pickled toads?


30. how many non-enloe people use tangst?


31. What is your favorite quote, and why?

“All generalizations are dangerous, even this one” because I hate hate hate generalizations, I’d rather be a porn peeking, asshole, dick head because I’m me than because I’m a guy.

33. What is your current life philosophy or outlook on life if you have one?


34. What do you breathe for?

The show I mean, fuck people.

35. What was your new year's resolution this year?


36. what does your username mean/how did you choose it?

Gambit from the X-Men is “The Cajun Explosion” and Gambit is sexy

37. What is your favorite type of juice?

38. Ideal boob size?

It really so depends on the person.

39. have you ever been in love?

I believe in it. Been in it? hmm

40. are you gay, lesbian, bisexual, or straight?

I’m not really sure. Depends. Is it Jude Law, Kevin Bacon, or Brad Pitt?

41. If you could live forever, would you?

I’d rather never feel pain.


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