Peter's 2000th Post Thing?

1. Have you ever been in love?
2. are you in it now?
Yes and Yes: with myself, my brother, my parents, and a few close friends…the rest of humanity to some extent.

3. Do you have a crush on someone at your school?
Meh, do some research if you really care.

4. If you were a vegetable, what kind would you be?
A yam.

5. What are your religious inclinations, if any?
I used to fancy myself a Unitarian Universalist, because their principles are interesting, but I’ve decided the bunch in Raleigh are liberals who feel left out in the South and are looking for acceptance so I don’t really care much for the current level. I also think currently that UU isn’t really a religion but rather a philosophy, and I think once I get to the bottom of that discussion I’ll find I’m not one after all. The truth is I’m an agnostic who puts faith in the axioms of math and science. By agnostic I don’t mean I don’t believe in God. There is no compelling evidence towards God’s existence nor his non-existence, so I just live my life the best I can. Currently I’d say I like the Catholics the best, because they have a very cemented system ruled by very educated men that, even though they regulate it a lot, allow for change to be made in an orderly way. I also like the fact that they believe that you can go to an okay place if you’re a good person but don’t believe in Jesus.

6. If the world were a sandwich, would everything be


7. If you could meet any person, who would it be (and why)? Dead
or alive.

Jesus (that is if I could communicate with him). I’d like to find out if he was a cool guy or a dick, and exactly how smart he was, and really have a discussion with him to get down to the bottom of some things.

8. what turns you on about the oppisite sex (or same sex) more
than anything else?


9. Does size matter?
I’m pretty sure it does in almost everything. I just like to hope I’m compatible in the areas it would be an advantage.

10. What's you favorite subject?
I don’t know, I like pretty much all subjects. I generally have a harder time in English and an easier time in math, but I can’t really say I like either better. I suck at Japanese so you could say that’s probably my least favorite.

11. What is your opinion on Paris Hilton?
I’m not sure; I’m not really “up” on Ms. Hilton.

12. What college (if any) would you like to attend?
I really don’t know. Right now it’s looking like I’ll apply to Carolina, Northwestern, Stanford, Vanderbilt, WashU, and maybe Pomona.

13. What's your favorite food?
Good food, probably Japanese and Mexican more than others.

14. If you had wings, what color would they be?
White, feathery wings.

15. Do you have to be in love with someone? Can't you just be IN

uhh, I think love generally has an object, if not someone then something.

16. If you could paint the whole world for a single day, would
you paint it and how?

I don’t think the world can be painted…I’d paint things that mattered to me like my living space…I’d leave other people’s places to their own artistic control.

17. Are you more of an apple, banana, or pear?

18. what is one thing that guys should know about girls in

That you shouldn’t overanalyze them. They’re only as complex as any other person, and that’s usually as complex as you make it.

19. what the fuck is going on here?
I just don’t know anymore; I just go with the flow like the sheep I am.

20. whats you favorite hair color of the opposite sex.
Not Orange.

21. who likes short short?
Kell likes short shorts…or is that orange soda…

22. Ninjas or Pirates?
Ninjas would win in a fight. I mean come on, trained assassin killers with poisons and weapons versus scurvy sailors with peg legs and missing hands. As to novelty, I’d have to go with pirates, however. Who’s best? I’d go with ninjas but they’re both pretty awesome.

23. Who would win in a swordfight between Tarzan and a
businessman from New York?


24. has there ever been one moment when you knew your heart was
broken? if so, when and what was it?


25. How many languages do you speak? (and though it isn't part
of the question, what are the languages?)

English and Japanese-ish

26. If you could dye your hair any color in the world, either
permanently or temporarily, what would it be?

I wouldn’t.

27. What single individual is the biggest problem with American
society today?

One person? I don’t even know. I’d say a polarized America is one of our biggest problems…so figure out who’s responsible for that and tell me.

28. Hypothetically, if you were to come into possession of a
hammer, would you prefer to hammer in the mornin' or in the evenin'?
Also, Which would you hammer out first: Danger, or a warning?

Evenin’, Warning

29. What are your opinions on breakfast food? Good or

Breakfast is yummy, especially waffles and pancakes.

30. Where the fuck did you get that banana?!
from the ring ring ring ring ring ring, BANANA PHONE

31. what is the sexiest musical instrument?
I’d say sax, one of the stringed ones, or the piano.

32. if you had sex with one animal (nonhuman)which one would it
be and why?

If there was a question that deserved a WTF, it’s most definitely this one. A dolphin.

33. whos your favorite dictator?
Attila the Hun

34. Where have all the flowers gone?
Into Hershey’s flowers and cream, a mouthful of flowers in every bite.

35. when will all the questions end?
’m thinkin’ the same thing.

36. whats your favorite melon.

37. what is your major goal in life? what do you look forward to

Constantly improving myself. Lots of stuff…going to college, getting married, good jobs, who knows.

38. does death scare you?
Hell yes

39. what happened in the most tragic or traumatic time in your

Not many traumatic things have every happened to me.

40. What do you want?

41. Out of all 52 cards in the deck, which is your

Ace, King, or Jack of Spades or Diamonds

42. why do fools fall in love
Because most people do, fools just happen to be people too.

43. why do YOU want to see snakes on a plane!!!!
Because it is a masterpiece of cinematography. But I suppose you should say did, because if you haven’t already seen it there’s really no point anymore.

44. for how much money would you become a eunuch
All of it.

45. if tangst were a drug, what would it be and would you

Uhh, doesn’t give any kind of pleasure like any drug I’ve ever heard of…and no.

46. why aren't you not arrogant?
I’m sorry, but I am. It’s a fault I try to work on. I think it stems from my extreme pride and confidence in what I can do, and that’s pretty much anything I put my mind to. I’ve rarely come across something that couldn’t be surmounted with a little bit of elbow grease. Confucius says that pride is a good thing and that people need it.

47. stephen colbert bridge or chuck norris bridge?
Stephen Colbert Bridge

48. Do you have a significant other? If so, what's your favorite
thing about him/her?

I suppose you could say that. And as I’ve said before, it’s definitely her pancreas.

49. how many of these questions did you actually answer
Most of them…unfortunately


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