Nanotyrannus All Over Again

1. Have you ever been in love?

2. are you in it now?
With life? Yes. With any particular part of it or person in it? No.

3. Do you have a crush on someone at your school?
There’s a difference between having a crush on someone and wanting to have mad lesbian sex with someone.

4. If you were a vegetable, what kind would you be?
If only a pomegranate were a vegetable. Alas. Due to that unfortunate fact, the answer to this question is: a beet.

5. What are your religious inclinations, if any?
I’m Jewish in terms of culture, but in terms of actual religious beliefs…that’s sketchy as of yet.

6. If the world were a sandwich, would everything be better?
What on earth would make you think that?

7. If you could meet any person, who would it be (and why)? Dead
or alive.

Boris Pasternak. He seems like a pretty cool guy and I’d just want to hang out with him and drink tea and chat about life, writing, love, the universe, music, etc.

8. what turns you on about the opposite sex (or same sex) more
than anything else?

A wickedly deep mind. And nice hands.

9. Does size matter?
I suppose in some way it does. The question is much to vague for my answer to be any more specific

10. What's you favorite subject?
I am such a nerd that I love all learning in general, though I’m partial to the natural sciences and creative writing.

11. What is your opinion on Paris Hilton?
Paris Hilton does indeed exist.

12. What college (if any) would you like to attend?
I’d like to get a Yale. Yes, I’m an unashamed elitist, if you were asking.

13. What's your favorite food?
Pomegranates. Or Chinese food. Or homemade matzah ball soup. Or dark chocolate. It’s so hard to choose among so much good food in the world.

14. If you had wings, what color would they be?
They would blend in with my surroundings and provide camouflage. I can’t give you a specific color (I guess they would be Enloe-colored…but then what would happen when I came home?)

15. Do you have to be in love with someone? Can't you just be IN

You have to at least be in love with something, if only because I do not yet know of an intransitive form of the verb “to love” in Russian, so in Russian you must love someone or something. And if the Russians say that it is so, then it must be true.

16. If you could paint the whole world for a single day, would
you paint it and how?

I would not paint the world. It is far too beautiful to cover with paint.

17. Are you more of an apple, banana, or pear?
I am more of an Asian pear, which is sort of a cross between an apple and a pear. It is very tasty, almost as tasty as a pomegranate.

18. what is one thing that guys should know about girls in general
Not all of us are China dolls. Just because we like to dress up does not mean that we are delicate.

19. What the fuck is going on here?
Does it truly matter?

20. What’s you favorite hair color of the opposite sex.
Whatever color fits best with the rest of the person.
PS: What’s up with the lack of a question mark?

21. Who likes short short?
Haven’t the foggiest.

22. Ninjas or Pirates?
Ninjas, of course. But it’s a stupid question. A much better question would be: Ninjas or KGB Officers? I’d have a much harder time choosing between those two.

23. Who would win in a swordfight between Tarzan and a
businessman from New York?

Tarzan. He’d be in much better physical shape than the businessman, so even if he didn’t know how to use a sword he’d just generally pwn the businessman.

24. Has there ever been one moment when you knew your heart was
broken? if so, when and what was it?


25. How many languages do you speak? (and though it isn't part
of the question, what are the languages?)

I speak one language fluently. I imagine that you can guess what language that is. Currently I am working on becoming fluent in Russian and Chinese, but both are going nowhere fast.

26. If you could dye your hair any color in the world, either
permanently or temporarily, what would it be?

I’m really not interested in screwing with my body. I like it the way that it is.

27. What single individual is the biggest problem with American
society today?

Nobody. Society by it’s nature is ruled by the masses, and therefore no single person is responsible for what is wrong with American society today.

28. Hypothetically, if you were to come into possession of a
hammer, would you prefer to hammer in the mornin' or in the evenin'?
Also, Which would you hammer out first: Danger, or a warning?

I’d hammer in the mornin’. And actually, I’d prefer to hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters all over this land.

29. What are your opinions on breakfast food? Good or bad?
It’s good, I guess, but I find the choices rather boring when compared to all the other kinds of food.

30. Where the fuck did you get that banana?!
Guatemala? I don’t know. Where do bananas come from?

31. what is the sexiest musical instrument?
I’m biased, I know, but I’d have to say the cello. You put the curves between your legs, you run your fingers up and down its neck, and if you were male, you could play it naked and not get sued for indecent exposure (If you were female and didn’t mind playing with the cello held a little high, you could probably get away with it as well). And it’s got a really low, beautiful sound.

32. if you had sex with one animal (nonhuman)which one would it
be and why?

I’d be celibate. The idea is just that distasteful.

33. Who’s your favorite dictator?
I do have a certain fondness for Chairman Mao. He reminds me of cats.

34. Where have all the flowers gone?
They’ve gone the way of ‘60’s folk singers.

35. when will all the questions end?
Questions are what get people research grants. If you are a scientist and you run out of questions, according to Mr. O, you run out of a job. Therefore, the questions will never end.

36. what’s your favorite melon.
I don’t really have one, seeing as the pomegranate is not a melon. Cantaloupe, I guess?

37. what is your major goal in life? what do you look forward to

My major goal in life is to be happy. I most look forward to love.

38. does death scare you?
Rationally, no. When I really think about it then it doesn’t scare me. Deep in a subconscious level of my brain, though, I’m scared as hell.

39. what happened in the most tragic or traumatic time in your

Nothing. I’ve lived a charmed life thus far.

40. What do you want?
Happiness. A pomegranate wouldn’t be bad either.

41. Out of all 52 cards in the deck, which is your favorite?
The three of diamonds

42. why do fools fall in love
Because not-fools fall in love too, and fools don’t like to be excluded.

43. why do YOU want to see snakes on a plane!!!!
Again, distinct lack of a question mark. I want to see it in order to laugh.

44. for how much money would you become a eunuch
This question is not applicable.

45. if tangst were a drug, what would it be and would you ODing?
I wouldn’t OD, but I suppose that Tangst would be heroin for me. Don’t really know why.

46. why aren't you not arrogant?
Because I want to go to Yale. Or wait, do I want to go to Yale because I’m arrogant? I don’t know. I am and I do, either way.

47. stephen colbert bridge or chuck norris bridge?

48. Do you have a significant other? If so, what's your favorite
thing about him/her?


49. how many of these questions did you actually answer
Forty-six and a half, I believe. I may have miscounted.


Blogger Graffiti Pastry said...

Asian pears rock!

I totally thought only... Asians ate them, seeing as how I only get them from the Asian Market or with my Korean grandparents... Go figure.

Oh yes, and do I ever see you during school so I can give you the t-shirt money? I guess I don't, seeing as how I must rely on Tangst communication.

9/05/2006 08:18:00 PM  

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