Open Letter to Potential Contribs & Admins

[I've been receiving e-mails about adding more contributors and administrators for some time now. While it may seem like I've ignored all of these requests, they've been weighing pretty heavily on my mind. I've been completely unable to come up with appropriate responses, especially after considering that the last time a contributor got added without any serious amount of forethought, we had what we amounted to be a crisis situation. Obviously, that can not happen again. Below is a copy of an e-mail I wrote to the latest contributor request. This will be the form letter for any other contributor/admin requests I get from now until around November 1, 2006. If anyone has specific questions, I'll also address those through e-mail.]

Dear -----,

Thank so much for you interest in becoming a contributor for Tangst. Unfortunately, I have no time to screen for new contributors right now. Current admins are in the brainstorming stage of how we're going to get new admins for next year when we all graduate. If you can hang on for another two weeks, I think we'll be done with all the things making us busy and unable to do anything extra regarding Tangst.

My plans, as they exist now, are to finish my college applications. After that long and arduous process, I will have more time and energy to concentrate on Tangst. Thus, I'll be creating an application for new admins and contributors with the help of my fellow administrators for next year's admin pool. This will give me more time to carefully consider the applications and give them the attention they deserve. If you lose interest in becoming an admin in that two week time frame, sorry, but maybe that's a good thing so I know it's not just a fleeting interest instead of a priority commitment.

Over the summer, 龙年 and I discussed having actual positions for the incoming admins. We got incredibly lucky with the admins we tempted into joining. We've got a tech person, literary fanatics, and several night owls which seems to be a combination that works. I don't know how we're going to manage that again, I just know that we'll have to find some way to get as much time covered as possible. This may or may not involve people in other time zones, I have no idea.

As time goes on, and the ideas become more fleshed out, I'll be sending out e-mails and posting more entries on the Tangst blog detailing what will happen, the things we're looking for, the actual responsibilities and duties of being an admin or contributor, side effects of being an admin/contributor, etc.

If you're still interested in becoming a contributor or an admin, just e-mail me [back] to let me know to keep you on the rolling e-mail list I've got.

Once again, thank you for your interest and continued support of the site. It's people (Tangsters) like you who keep it all going.



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