Updates, Excuses, and Thank Yous

So basically, nothing has been going according to plans. To be honest, I should have anticipated the fact that everything would be pushed back. Not necessary as late as everything is, but I definitely should have known that we wouldn't meet the high expectations we'd set for ourselves.

Obviously, the list (and explanations) of the changes made over the summer have still not been completed. It's partially compiled, but I know that a few other things have changed.

Monthly traffic and update reports haven't been issued since May. While we aren't exactly scrambling over those, we have been working on them.

Posting has been really sporadic of late, I know. Especially at later times of day - anything circa 10, 11, or midnight has the possibility of being posted anywhere between 7 seconds and 7 hours later. It completely depends on who decided to sleep/was sick that particular night.

As most everyone at Enloe knows, something terrible has been lurking the halls and attacking about everything it can get its hands on. And by that I mean pretty much everyone has been sick at some point this year already. Unfortunately, the Tangst admins are not impervious to the nasty bug.

Additionally, college applications are a huge concern for all of us this year (the exception, is of course, Maverick, who is already in college, the lucky bastard). Right now, I, personally, am wading my way through 6. All of which are early notifications. 4 of which require me to write something. The same 4 require teacher recommendations and counselor reports. My life is due promptly on November 1st, November 15th, and December 1st. This does not include scholarship applications (which are the current plague of 龙年). The first SAT testing date is October 14th. I am actually studying (for the math portion, but that's still studying).

So we're all a little sick, a lot stressed, and either sleeping a lot or not at all.

Things will improve after college applications are done and sent out. The workload for senior year is more than I expected, but not like last year, so I know we'll survive. Hopefully all this means Tangst can gain back some regularity after college concerns have been abated.

And a huge thanks to our base for continuing to use the site, in spite of the Blogger problems, in spite of our slowness, and in spite of the piling homework. Your want of procrastination keeps this site alive.



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