April Site Update

Tangst underwent a couple of changes this month.

First and foremost was the April Fool's joke that very few people got. Apparently no one checks the date - I personally thought that Tangsters would be slightly more observant than these people, but I guess not. Oddly enough, the sentiments of both sets are eerily similar until a certain point.

The sidebar was updated to better fit user preferences on several occasions over the course of the month. With the addition of the 1000th post, plus the admin and contributor responses, new sections were created and the order of items on the sidebar shifted around some.

Thanks to Enloe prom activities, there were two obviously backdated posts from Saturday, April 8th.

Thanks to Enloe StuCo elections, one post was removed, then put back on the site. This was due to a policy clarification regarding the actual intent of the policy on no "commercial" advertising.

Recently, there have been a number of people requesting to be added to the contributors list. The admins are in the middle of reconsidering the requirements to be both admins and contributors. Unfortunately, we were unable to come to a consensus on the issue before getting smacked in the head with APs and homework. This will be resolved in the following weeks, but for now, we're going to let things stay as they are and no additions will be made. The two contributors that were added this month are long time posters on the site, and are people that I (and the other admins/contributors) know fairly well. That's not at all fair, but it's hard to trust someone you've never met. After the backlash and chaos caused by the Ailill_Angra_Mainyu incident, I've learned to be a lot more... selective with who does and does not get added to the list. It can no longer just be a free-for-all. From what we've decided so far, it looks like we're going to have to get a known location (for time zone issues) in order to be a contributor. Admins, we still aren't at all sure about.

We're also in the middle of making an accessible list of the rules that admins have to follow. Contributors will also have their own list. It's just things regarding behavior - things we are and are *not* allowed to do. Such as delete personal posts that have comments on them, delete comments that have been commented on, etc.

As we look forward to the month of May, we don't expect too much to be going on - there's a two week period where nothing will happen except posting. No maintence, no list updates, etc. Just posts and comments. There will probably be two or three more contributors on the list after the two week break period and the admins figure out the rules and lists and such.

Really, we're all just looking forward to summer.

AP Doom Is Upon Us...

Hi everyone!

This is just a notice saying that absolutely nothing dramatic will be happening over the next two weeks as almost all of the admins and contributors have AP exams now. We've been studying all year for these (supposedly) and now it's time to test how much we did or did not learn.

Because of exams and the fact we're all cramming that last little bit into our heads, the only changes to Tangst are going to be the daily posts and comments. The April Traffic Report will still be posted tomorrow, as Box-Box wrote it up in advance and just has to get the numbers filled in. There will be no changes in the look of the site template, additions to the contributor or admin list, no new links, etc.

Good luck to all the Tangsters taking AP, IB or any other exams!


Removed Comment #1

Anonymous said...

is the boy in question perhaps... *****?

4/27/2006 10:21:04 PM

This comment is in violation of the Tangst "no names for the purpose of defamation" policy. It was removed from this post on Tangst proper. The censoring and removal of this comment was done under Tangst General Policies(Section A) and the Censorship Policy.

Tangst administrator thewordofrashi is responsible for the deletion itself. Sithgirl and Box-Box fully support this deletion.

This deletion was publicly addressed in the spirit of full disclosure.

Removed Post #19 - Overturned

After some discussion, the removal of this post was overturned. According to Tangst General Policies, Section E, political posts are permissible, so long as there is no commericial gain in any way, shape, or form.

The confusion was due to the differences in the denotation and connotation of the word "commericial" as stated in the policies listing. This has been corrected in the edits at the bottom of the policies page. Commercial, according to Tangst policy, refers specifically to money.

Removed Post #19

Senior Council Campaign Updates:
Keri Judd and Reed Watson, along with the others can now Campaign. On this note let it be said that you should vote for these two canidates. That is all, for questions or concerns on their platforms or postitions on any subject feel free to "facebook" them, where they would be glad to get back to you.

Thank you and Happy Voting

05:8:43 PM

Post is in violation of the Tangst advertisment policy (General Policies, Section E). This comment was removed from a post on the main page of Tangst on April 13, 2006.

This notice is made public in the spirit of full disclosure.

Removed Post #18

Very nice! I found a place where you can
make some nice extra cash secret shopping. Just go to the site below
and put in your zip to see what's available in your area.
I made over $900 last month having fun!
make extra money

07:46:44 PM

Post is in violation of the Tangst anti-spam policy (General Policies, Section E). This comment was removed from a post on the main page of Tangst on April 10, 2006.

This notice is made public in the spirit of full disclosure.

Note: Hyperlink removed on the phrase "make extra money".

TintedFragipan's Tender Buttons

1. to all: what is your favorite Tangst post ever and why?

Hmm, that's a hard one. I like most of the posts by me and about me. Is that weird? Like, I even really like the "Gay is not OK" post (check the popular list). I have this perverse kind of pride that it has the comment record.

2. if you could change your skin color to anything (natural, not natural, patterns, whatever), what would you choose and why?

I think metallicy silver. I mean, all the cool comic book characters were metallicy and silver (think Mastermind? he was awesome.) Chances are if you have silver skin then you also have the ability to change yourself into a liquid, control things with your mind, or you have mad telekenesis or something. I think it just comes with the territory.

If we're talking natural skin colors then I would have to say "Polished Teak." People with skin that color generally have a flawless complexion. It's gorgeous. *once read names in a Crayola Crayon Box*

3. What is your most convincing argument for the theory that all other people are robots?

How about my first choice of skin color was metallic and silver? Actually, I really did used to be concinved that all people were robots. I thought that one day one little boy would be born who was not a robot and that little boy was me. In this imaginary world of fear (I hate my imagination, sometimes) the robots were all looking for this boy so they could transform him to be like them. Certain signs were tell, and they could alternately read or not read minds based on what I was feeling like at the moment.

In recent times, I've read that this is an unhealthy sign of a large ego: i.e., you think as a child that you are completely unique while everyone else is extremely flawed.

4. If you had to date another admin, who would it be and why?

Of course Hannah, if we're talking about date in the "who can you most relate too and would you like to share pretty much everything in your life with." In fact, one time (probably last May) I thought that sexuality be damned and I would actually try to pursue a relationship with her...obviously, that would have been a dumb idea, because we can do everything I would want to do as friends. If we're talking about date date, (like physical date) then I would say PChis or BoxBox just because they're both good looking guys who are smart/witty and smart/insanely nice, respectively.

5. Movie or book that made the biggest impact on you

Hmm, this one is hard to say. I was impacted pretty heavily by "All Quiet on the Western Front" just because of the poetry in the writing. "The Great Gatsby" also had that effect on me. My writing style is developping more and more, I think, because of books? Also, what I read really has an effect on me.

6. if you could punch anyone in the face Right Now with no repercussions, who would it be?

ps. it doesn't matter if they're real/alive

Oh, tricky question. Punch someone in the face, wow. I always have wanted to get into a fistfight--to feel my knuckles push into the soft flesh of someone's cheek, and to hear the thrilling thud of flesh on flesh? It's like a dream.

7. If you had to kill one of the other admins who would it be?

Jagmax. He failed to shake his Laffy Taffy in an approrpriate manner, and also denied being my date at prom dinner ;D. I really did not want to pay for that meal.

8. to all: Left or Right?

(Interpret it as you see fit)

Left-handed, left-brained (this is actually true, based on the definition of left brained, even though I'm left handed), right-wing economics, leftist social policy, right ear, etc.

9. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

I could bore you with all sorts of facts about the woodchuck, also known as the gristlepig. It is a known fact that woodchucks do not chuck wood on Februrary 2nd in observance of groundhog's day.

10. are you currently single?

Y-Y-Y-YES. Oh, wait. Did that sound a little over-eager? I mean... "yes."

11. Have you had sex?

NO. (I am actually fine with this? Maybe?)

12. Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?
Do you dream at night, do you dream at day?
Do your dreams have meaning, are your dreams a waste?
Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?

(Yes, that was all really a question that I really would like answered - it wasn't meant to be a poem until I started rhyming.)

My dreams are pretty always weird, and not in color or in grey? Does anyone dream in pictures. I don't remember what my dreams were like, just what they were about when I wake up. I guess they're in color. I remember a waterfall, one time, and snow, and I was speaking french.

I don't think they have any meaning. Once in 5th grade I dreamed that my lost science binder was underneath this certain table, and I woke up and checked and it was not there. I was so dissapointed. I had thought it was a message from God (a la Joan of Arc)

13. Do you have a bf/gf?

NO. SWM looking for same, likes x, y, and z. if interested, inquire within. */end personal ad*

14. if you could have consequence-free sex with any oter admin, which would it be?

Hmmmm... consequence free? See answer to the which admins would I date question.

15. The premise is that you are stranded on a desert island with all the other admins (a little trite, I know):

Which admin would you eat first, if it came down to it?

Who do you think would take the major leadership role (i.e., who would be Ralph/Jack from LotF)

Who would go crazy first, assuming that someone did?

We would eat Dr. A or myself first.

I would definitely be the leader. Key Club + Newspaper has honed my beauraucratic senses.

I would imagine that Swalest'shooth would go crazy first. Not sure why.

16. who do u think has a crush on me (ben tan), and i do not mean the person who i know has a crush on me who doesn't even do tangst, i mean the person who posted

Faye Fang.

17. Is the pursuit in life the journey or the destination?


Actually, the journey.

18. Do you someday want children? If so, how many?

I once thought I did. Now I'm not sure how that'll work. I want them to be my own if I have them.

19-22. If you were a popsicle, what would you taste like?
Would you rather be eaten by a shark or have to live the rest of your life with a cereal box over your head?
Would you rather marry another admin right now, or marry a complete stranger in 5 years?
What is your social security number?

...It was a good try.........

Ice and sugar.

The shark. The cereal box is too long term. I fear commitment. It also sounds like it would be difficult to eat and perhaps breathe with the cereal box. On the other hand, you could live for quite a while being ripped apart bite by bite.

Marry? My dear, I am not a marrying man. That being said (Rhett Butler reference for those who caught it), I'd say a complete stranger. I still don't think I want to get married. Without children, monogamy is overrated.

23. What sandwich condiment best fits your personality and why?

Bread and butter pickle slices, the wide kind. Sour and bright green, but everyone either loves me or hates me: there is no indifference.

24. If you could date anybody at Enloe, who would it be? (oh yeah, and why)

I'd say someone attractive. There are so many choices. Like that guy with the eyes who I probably think is dating Erin Rhodes. Also, dude, we just have so many good looking guys. Too bad they're all straight.

25. who at enloe do you think ought to be sr class president? student body president?

Aneitra Hoggard for both choices. I love that girl.

26. Does anyone in your family know about tangst?


27. Is this spinal tap?

I believe the correct term is spiŋal tap.

28. What is the relevance of the Etruscan civilization in modern culture?

There is no relevance. But perhaps the Etruscans really have a secret cult (somewhere in the hills of Wyoming) and one day due to my mad skillz they will invite me to join. I won't tell you though.

On the other hand, I probably could have just looked this up on Wikipedia. I <3 Wiki (even after our tangst debacle).

29. Do you like eating pickled toads?

I've never tried one. I have tried pickled pigs feet, and they were okay. I am not a big fan of pickling. I will eat almost anything though, so, bring on the toads! Provided they're not poisonous. Eating poisonous food is a pretty big fear.

30. how many non-enloe people use tangst?

Er. How should I know? I guess 13. That used to be my lucky number.

31-33. What is your favorite quote, and why?

What is your favorite song or piece of music right now? Why do you like it?

What is your current life philosophy or outlook on life if you have one?

My favorite quote? "Nothing is wrong with middle class." -Rita Achenbach.

My favorite song of the moment is "A Winner Needs a Wand" by Sufjan Stevens. I really like the sound, and also the lyrics. It's folksy, and his voice is just great.

My current outlook on life... is more than I want to talk about in detail. Let's just say it's good?

34. What do you breathe for?

Without oxygen cells can only do anaerobic respiration. This is not a good kind, because it produces lactic acid, which is extremely painful and could (in large amounts) cause extreme muscle pain. Additionally, it only produces two ATPs. When you do aerobic respiration you get 36 ATPs, over 18 times as much energy. The oxygen breaks apart the glucose so that it can go through different cycles, you see.

If the oxygen weren't permitted to pass through the capilarries in my lungs (which gets there by contracting my diaphragm so as to equalize the air pressure in the organs with the air pressure outside my body) then my life would be very unpleasant.

Because I like for my life to be pleasant, I breathe.

35. What was your new year's resolution this year?

Lose weight (I am currently in the middle of this, though you can't see it.) Some other things. I don't really recall. I think it had something to do with having more fun.

36. what does your username mean/how did you choose it?

(i am especially wondering about thewordofrashi,nanotyrannus,swalest'shooth,tintedfragipan,etc....)

A fragipan is a layer of highly compacted soil that normally causes a perched water table and impedes plant growth. I liked the idea of a tinted fragipan because it implies that water and air are mixing in this layer of soil in order to oxidize the iron and create redoximorphic features.

37. What is your favorite type of juice?

Cranberry Apple.

38. Ideal boob size?

Not at all. Boobs are gross. Useless chest fat. Ahem.

39. have you ever been in love?

I don't think so.

40. are you gay, lesbian, bisexual, or straight?

(ignore this question completely if you feel it is too personal)

I can hardly say it. Gay?

41. If you could live forever, would you?

OF COURSE. I do not want to die.

Backdated Posts #1 and 2

Thanks to various prom activities last night, all the admins were out. All night. As in, until past 12 AM, all night. And then, some of us attempted sleep. For those reasons, there are some obviously backdated posts.

Backdated Post #1

he's not here yet

06:05:19 PM

This was posted by me, not at 11:59 PM yesterday like the timestamp reads, but at around 1:30 AM today.

Backdated Post #2

I just spent a beautiful evening with the woman that I love.

And yet, I feel like crying myself to sleep.

What is to become of me?

04:16:25 AM

This was posted by PChis at 11:14 AM today, not 10:00 AM like the timestamp reads.

The backdating of these two posts is for continuity reasons, not because we like tricking the users of this site and its affiliates.

Tangst Admins Mark 1000th Post with Q&A

With the approach of the 1000th post to Tangst in early April 2006, Sithgirl rounded up the admins to figure out what to do in commemoration of the event, since the general concensus was that something ought to mark it. The admins and contributors decided that they should accept questions from visitors and post responses once the 1000-post mark was breached, so Sithgirl posted this notice asking for questions from the readership.

Many admins posted their responses to these questions, and they are to be forever available through the archives of Tangst. Below are listed the admins who chose to answer the questions, along with links to their responses.

knight_racer's answers (and yes, I did answer #24)

1. to all: what is your favorite Tangst post ever and why?

I am a personal fan of the favorite underwear post, simply because it is something I never would have even thought about otherwise. I am also in love with maverick's poetry.

2. if you could change your skin color to anything (natural, not natural, patterns, whatever), what would you choose and why?

I have no idea. I do know that I would want it all one color, not a pattern or design.

3. What is your most convincing argument for the theory that all other people are robots?

I once saw two screws and a locknut fall out of someone's sleeve once, which pretty much convinced me (true story)

4. If you had to date another admin, who would it be and why?

Now here is an interesting question. I would probably have to go with sithgirl, because she is a) of the opposite sex, and b) because I can relate to her. (no offense to you, hannah. i just don't think you're my type.)

5. Movie or book that made the biggest impact on you

Alas, Babylon, by I-forget-who, had a major impact on me. Not a life-changing effect, exactly, but the book was so powerfully and realistically written that I almost felt thatthe events were real and I half-expected to see a nuclear wasteland outside my window when I looked.

6. if you could punch anyone in the face Right Now with no repercussions, who would it be?

Nico DeBarmore/Dylan Johnson (I count them as one person), because he is a complete ass who thinks that owning a lifted yellow Jeep and being a becnh-warmer on the 2nd string of Enloe's not-exactly-stellar football team give him license to act as if everything on Enloe's campus is his own personal property, to be done with as he pleases

Actually, the same goes for John Sanyer (sp?), but he is a different person and #2 on my hit-in-the-face list.

7. If you had to kill one of the other admins who would it be?

Can I answer this a not be suceptible to suspension? Whatever.

I really do not hold a lasting grudge against any of the admins. If I was forced to choose one I'd probably choose Pchis, not for any deep-seated hatred but because he seems like an easy target for my forced aggression. (no hate, Pchis)

8. to all: Left or Right?

(Interpret it as you see fit)

Left, and no I won't tell you why.

(Interpret as you see fit) :D (except for you, DocA)

9. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Not very much, I suppose. Chucking wood seems like such a nonsensical thing to do in life, so I imagine that the woodchuck would instead cure AIDS or something of that nature.

10. are you currently single?

I think so. At least, that's what my Facebook tells me, so I'll go with "yes".

11. Have you had sex?

No. I intend to not have sex until I find someone who is important enough to me that I want to share with her that most intimate of connections. Not necessarily abstinence until married, but I'm not going to give myself away for a quick thrill.

Yes, yes. I know. I always have been, and will continue to be, a hopeless romantic.

12. Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?
Do you dream at night, do you dream at day?
Do your dreams have meaning, are your dreams a waste?
Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?

(Yes, that was all really a question that I really would like answered - it wasn't meant to be a poem until I started rhyming.)

I dream in color when I'm sleeping,
And in grey when I awake.
I dream upon the moon's slow trek
And when bright sun moon's place doth take.

My dreams all show my path through life,
And yet are flights of fantasy,
But flights of color show mere dreams,
The truth is like niaveity.

13. Do you have a bf/gf?

No. See #10.

14. if you could have consequence-free sex with any oter admin, which would it be?

Umm...I'm going to abstain from answering this question. See #11

15. The premise is that you are stranded on a desert island with all the other admins (a little trite, I know):

Which admin would you eat first, if it came down to it?

Who do you think would take the major leadership role (i.e., who would be Ralph/Jack from LotF)

Who would go crazy first, assuming that someone did?

1. Pchis or rashi, depending on who came up with the first stupid comment :D

2. Sithgirl, DocA, or myself, assuming I could get anyone to listen to me.

3. DocA or me, because we are both half there already, and we'd be stuck on an island with rashi and Pchis (until we ate one of them)

16. who do u think has a crush on me (ben tan), and i do not mean the person who i know has a crush on me who doesn't even do tangst, i mean the person who posted

Somebody once told me it was sithgirl, but I'm not sure if that is (or ever was) tue. Oh well, guess we'll just have to wonder.

17. Is the pursuit in life the journey or the destination?

Definitely the journey. Heaven (if that's what you believe in) sounds great and all that, but why wait until it's all over? What's the betting you can't get drunk with your friends, do crazy stuff, pass out on your floor, and wake up to a collective headache in Heaven? I bet not.

18. Do you someday want children? If so, how many?

I think that eventually I want children, but I've given no thought to how long after I'm married (yes, wife before kids) or how many. That's something I will decide with said wife.

19-22. If you were a popsicle, what would you taste like?
Would you rather be eaten by a shark or have to live the rest of your life with a cereal box over your head?
Would you rather marry another admin right now, or marry a complete stranger in 5 years?
What is your social security number?

1. Cherry, because everybody likes the cherry ones (except the wierd people).
2. The cereal box on the head. I want my death to be quick and painless (ie, not a shark attack). Plus, someday cereal boxes might become fasionable, whereas getting eaten never will.
3. Another (female) admin now. I want to marry someone I know I can relate to.
4. It was a good try.

23. What sandwich condiment best fits your personality and why?

No clue. Let me get back to you on that.

24. If you could date anybody at Enloe, who would it be? (oh yeah, and why)

Meghan, Jenny, Heather or a small number of other people. These are the people that can make me laugh, something I find very important in a relationship.

25. who at enloe do you think ought to be sr class president? student body president?

Student body president = Reed because that would absolutely destroy any semblence of order in stuco.

Senior Class President = Heather, because someone needs to be there to help Reed with Stuco destruction

26. Does anyone in your family know about tangst?

Yes. But not what it is/entails, only that it exists.

27. Is this spinal tap?

Not yet. But getting close.

28. What is the relevance of the Etruscan civilization in modern culture?

Mean people suck. That's just about all I can say about that. And I'm glad you don't wirte AP essay prompts.

Here are Hannah's questions. So far.

1. to all: what is your favorite Tangst post ever and why?
I liked the one where that guy (girl?) typed a bazillion numbers into the post box. :D

2. if you could change your skin color to anything (natural, not natural, patterns, whatever), what would you choose and why?
Our gay oboeist came into orchestra tonight and he'd dyed his skin orange over spring break. Well, actually, it was more a misapplication of tanning tint, but, y'know.

In all seriousness, maybe I might follow his lead. Because my computer-tan, while ravishingly attractive to view from a distance, occasionally burns the eyes with its blinding whiteness.

3. What is your most convincing argument for the theory that all other people are robots?

4. If you had to date another admin, who would it be and why?
Half the school thinks Tinted and I are An Item. Hah!

5. Movie or book that made the biggest impact on you
Dune. Lord of the Rings. Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging.


6. if you could punch anyone in the face Right Now with no repercussions, who would it be?

ps. it doesn't matter if they're real/alive

I thought everyone was a robot. . . .

7. If you had to kill one of the other admins who would it be?

Man, I'd take out Sithgirl. And then you know what color the background of this site would be? PURPLE.

8. to all: Left or Right?

(Interpret it as you see fit)

Right-handed, Right-brained, Right-wing.

Well, maybe not too much Right-wing (I'm pretty 'socially' liberal). But it was nice parallel structure, wasn't it?

9. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


10. are you currently single?

Single-minded is the closest I come.

11. Have you had sex?

Hey, what happened between me and Orlando Bloom in that broom closet has no place in a public forum.

12. Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?
Do you dream at night, do you dream at day?
Do your dreams have meaning, are your dreams a waste?
Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?

(Yes, that was all really a question that I really would like answered - it wasn't meant to be a poem until I started rhyming.)

My dreams come day and night;
In color and in black-and-white;
But mostly day-dreams come to me,
In Enviro, period three.

See, this is why I should only be allowed to write prose.

13. Do you have a bf/gf?

The former of the two.

14. if you could have consequence-free sex with any oter admin, which would it be?

Nanotyrannus, let's get it ON. I'm sure PChis wouldn't object. xD

15. The premise is that you are stranded on a desert island with all the other admins (a little trite, I know):

Which admin would you eat first, if it came down to it?

Who do you think would take the major leadership role (i.e., who would be Ralph/Jack from LotF)

Who would go crazy first, assuming that someone did?

Tinted would take the first leadership role.

We'd eat Doctor A first.

I'd be the one to go crazy.

16. who do u think has a crush on me (ben tan), and i do not mean the person who i know has a crush on me who doesn't even do tangst, i mean the person who posted


17. Is the pursuit in life the journey or the destination?

I pursue n00bs.

18. Do you someday want children? If so, how many?

Yes. I'd like two for breakfast.

19-22. If you were a popsicle, what would you taste like?
Would you rather be eaten by a shark or have to live the rest of your life with a cereal box over your head?
Would you rather marry another admin right now, or marry a complete stranger in 5 years?,
What is your social security number?

...It was a good try.........

Depends on what kind of cereal.
Tinted and I would raise some kickass tangsty kids. Despite the fact that, you know, we wouldn't really want to have sex with each other. But we could adopt.
Mrs. A told me never to give that out. She's just a little bit less than a god. :D

23. What sandwich condiment best fits your personality and why?


24. If you could date anybody at Enloe, who would it be? (oh yeah, and why)

A substitute bus driver once thought Alex Copeland and I were lesbian lovers.

25. who at enloe do you think ought to be sr class president? student body president?


26. Does anyone in your family know about tangst?

. . . Whaddayathink?

Nanotyrannus Gets Ahold of the Keyboard

1. to all: what is your favorite Tangst post ever and why? Definitely one of Maverick’s poems. I love them. And it’s hard to pick just one...although I guess in the end I’d choose the one that had the repeating line “you were always right”.

2. if you could change your skin color to anything (natural, not natural, patterns, whatever), what would you choose and why? Anything that’s not my current White Bread American shade of pale. I’d like to be dark. Or darker, at least.

3. What is your most convincing argument for the theory that all other people are robots? Well, we’ve never eaten one and found out, I guess. You’d have taste one to be sure.

4. If you had to date another admin, who would it be and why? I think I told Maverick that I was going to have his babies. But that was more of an “I’m in awe of your poetic skill” than an actual desire to date him.

5. Movie or book that made the biggest impact on you The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Klay by Michael Chabon. It’s amazingfantasticbeautiful. In fact, you should go read it. Now. Stop tangsting and get to your local library immediately.

6. if you could punch anyone in the face Right Now with no repercussions, who would it be ps. it doesn't matter if they're real/alive Nobody, really. The idea of actually hitting someone with the intent to hurt/maim/kill is pretty loathsome to me.

7. If you had to kill one of the other admins who would it be? This sounds so emo, but probably myself. Between suicide and the senseless killing of another person, at least with suicide I know I'm not killing the next Gandhi. Alright. That was a depressing question. Let's move on.

8. to all: Left or Right?(Interpret it as you see fit) Left, definitely. Left handed people are so much cooler than right handed people. And that’s the way I’m interpreting it.

9. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 1/37 of a tree (“tree” meaning an average 20 year old yellow pine grown in fertile loam, which is of course the standard definition of “tree”) in good weather (“good weather” being above 65 degrees Fahrenheit), 1/43 of a tree in bad weather. And the measurement is entirely different if you’re using the metric system. [Translation: I'm currently BS-ing my way through AP Environmental Science.]

10. are you currently single? no

11. Have you had sex? Unless you count mad imaginary lesbian sex with certain other admins, then no.

12. Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?
Do you dream at night, do you dream at day?
Do your dreams have meaning, are your dreams a waste?
Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?

(Yes, that was all really a question that I really would like answered - it wasn't meant to be a

poem until I started rhyming.)
Color, definitely. Fuzzy color, but color nonetheless. I dream all the time, including times when I shouldn't be (driving, taking tests, listening to lectures, etc.). And mostly they're a waste of my time, but they're amusing enough.

13. Do you have a bf/gf? This question sounds familiar. Using question number 10, infer the answer for question number 13.

14. if you could have consequence-free sex with any oter admin, which would it be? Um...I already mentiones Maverick and the babies, but babies count as a consequence, I guess.

15. The premise is that you are stranded on a desert island with all the other admins (a little trite, I know):

Which admin would you eat first, if it came down to it?

Who do you think would take the major leadership role (i.e., who would be Ralph/Jack from LotF)

Who would go crazy first, assuming that someone did?
1) I cannot answer this question, as there is insufficient data provided. The questioner did not state the duration of time in which we would be forced to resort to cannibalism. If it's, say, only a short while, then we might want to eat a smaller person so that we can keep the bigger people around to reach all the tall stuff. If it's a longer period of time, we may have to resort to eating DoctorAnonymous, as I agree with the other admins that he would provide the most long-term sustenance. And if cannibalism is the only option left, if there is no hope for agriculture or rescue, then why bother asking? We'll all get eaten/die of starvation anyway, so it doesn't make much of a difference. 2)I don’t know PChis that well, but I guess he could have a shot at it. Other than that, Sithgirl. Definitely. PChis could take command only if Sithgirl gave him permission. 3) Yeah, I’d probably agree with Swalest’shooth and say that CajunExplosion’s mind is the most fragile.

16. who do u think has a crush on me (ben tan), and i do not mean the person who i know has a crush on me who doesn't even do tangst, i mean the person who posted I'm kinda going with Box Box in thinking that Ms. Feung is thinking of leaving her husband for you.

17. Is the pursuit in life the journey or the destination? Well, the destination appears to be death, and since at the moment I’m not emo enough to want to run headlong towards it, I’d have to go for the journey.

18. Do you someday want children? If so, how many? Sure. At least two. Three might be nice, as long as there’s not something like an eleven year gap between any of the ages.

19-22. If you were a popsicle, what would you taste like?
Would you rather be eaten by a shark or have to live the rest of your life with a cereal box over your head?
Would you rather marry another admin right now, or marry a complete stranger in 5 years?
What is your social security number?

...It was a good try.........

1) A popsicle, of course. What else would I be expected to taste like? 2)A cereal box would be rather uncomfortable. I’d rather end it quickly. Bring on the sharks. 3)I don’t despise any of the admins, but I could easily see myself coming to despise a complete stranger. I’d take an admin to be my lawful wedded husband (or wife) if the choice came down to it. 4) I will commend you for your effort and give you hint: it doesn’t have the letter “A” in it.

23. What sandwich condiment best fits your personality and why? I’d be the condiment that someone bought back in 1974 and forgot in the back of the pantry. Then, after thirty years or so someone else would find it while cleaning out the kitchen and be intrigued by the retro label. They’d smell it, and since it had never been opened it would smell okay. A little weird, but still okay. So they would taste it, and although it might taste a little old, it’d still be just fine, and once in awhile when they wanted something different on their toast I’d be taken out of the fridge and spread with a butter knife. Or maybe the back of a fork, if all of the butter knives were dirty.

24. If you could date anybody at Enloe, who would it be? (oh yeah, and why) I’m pretty into the guy I’m dating now, who happens to not go to Enloe. That’s my answer to this question.

25. who at enloe do you think ought to be sr class president? student body president? Somebody who doesn't have the admin name Nanotyrannus

26. Does anyone in your family know about tangst? yes

27. Is this spinal tap? I’m afraid not. That’s just down the hall in 124A

28. What is the relevance of the Etruscan civilization in modern culture? Etruscan civilization is obviously relevant because it’s where we get the forerunner of the modern day Pop Tart, singing bass, and cigar box from. It also has the earliest example of macaroni necklace beadwork. (Translation: I also BS-ed my way through AP World History)

29.Do you like eating pickled toads? I’ve never tried one before. But I’d be happy to do so, if the opportunity arises.

29.How many non-Enloe people use tangst? I don’t know. Maybe only two, maybe a thousand. Maybe more. Or maybe we’re all Enloe students just pretending to be non-Enloe people. Can you be totally sure?

30.What is your favorite quote, and why? “Eagles may be noble, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.” I’m not sure why. I found it in the 8th grade and just sort of adopted it.

31.What is your favorite song or piece of music right now? Why do you like it? Argh...such a difficult question. “Jerusalem” by Matisyahu is fun to sing along to right at this exact moment, but for all-time favorite I lean more towards something by the Decemberists, maybe “Clementine” or “Engine Driver”, just because I like the way their music sounds. Then again, there’s Edgar Meyer’s godlike playing...damn. I can’t give you a straight answer.

32.What is your current life philosophy or outlook on life if you have one? Pretty cynically optimistic, if such a thing is possible. Life has what meaning you give it; take it as you will and try not to hurt other people if you can avoid it.

33. What do you breathe for? moments in life. I could make a specific list, if you'd like, but it's not neccesary.

34. What was your new year's resolution this year? I don't make New Years resolutions. As a student, it seems silly to me to try to change behavior halfway through the year when things are the most stressful.

35. what does your username mean/how did you choose it? I'm short. Shorter than Sithgirl, in fact. And because my short arms are incapable of reaching across things such as Risk boards, I was christened with the nickname T. Rex. Then when it came time to choose a username I decided to go with more dinosaurs and since I also had my impressive stature in mind, I decided on the name Nanotyrannus. It too is a genus of dinosaur, a cousin of T.Rex and it's name means "pygmy tyrant".

36. What is your favorite type of juice? Pomegranate, of course.

37. Ideal boob size? The size I am now, thankyouverymuch.

The long-awaited answers of DOCTOR ANONYMOUS!!!

1. to all: what is your favorite Tangst post ever and why?
I love tangst in general... it's kind of hard to choose out of about a thousand posts which one is my favorite.

2. if you could change your skin color to anything (natural, not natural, patterns, whatever), what would you choose and why?
I think I would change it to an unnaturally dark black. That way I wouldn't have to worry about sunscreen and could blend in at night, but wouldn't be the butt of racial slurs.

3. What is your most convincing argument for the theory that all other people are robots?
Well think about it. Our genes are given to us at birth, when we have no choice over the direction of our life. They dictate our physical appearance and brain structure. Experiences that are given to us lie within a narrow paramater of possible human experience and are only interpreted through the frame of your genes. You cannot escape them and act according to them in all situations. How can you rebel against something that is at the core of every decision and through which no experience can slip? Your genes are the operating system granted to you by your parents. They are the code you can never go beyond.

4. If you had to date another admin, who would it be and why?
Sithgirl because I'm deeply in love with her. Move over PChis.

5. Movie or book that made the biggest impact on you
Probably "Love Actually," because never has a movie affected both my ideals about love and my own despair about my romantic situation so much at the same time. It might be part of the reason I find it so hard to relate to girls sometimes in a serious way, because of expectations I've built ... well whatever. It didn't all come from a silly movie -- it's a whole progression of things. Genetic programming + limited experience = insanity.

6. if you could punch anyone in the face Right Now with no repercussions, who would it be?

ps. it doesn't matter if they're real/alive

whoever asked this question.
no, joking.
There are many people in this world, but few that I'd really like to punch in the FACE.

7. If you had to kill one of the other admins who would it be?
I... killing is not really great. I guess I would kill Tabula Rasa. Not because I don't know who she is, but because I hate her.
Tabula I am so joking you're my favorite human in the world.

8. to all: Left or Right?

(Interpret it as you see fit)


9. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

10. are you currently single?
But of course.

11. Have you had sex?

12. Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?
Do you dream at night, do you dream at day?
Do your dreams have meaning, are your dreams a waste?
Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?

(Yes, that was all really a question that I really would like answered - it wasn't meant to be a poem until I started rhyming.)

I dream in color, but it seems to happen all the time. Everything, however, is a waste, poster. Even this dream we like to call life every once in a while. Or maybe not, that's for you to decide. Some days I think so and some days not -- depends on the medication. Not that I take medication -- I prefer meditation, or mediation, or medley-ation.

13. Do you have a bf/gf?
Um.... can't say I have.

14. if you could have consequence-free sex with any oter admin, which would it be?
I don't know... pchis?

15. The premise is that you are stranded on a desert island with all the other admins (a little trite, I know):

Which admin would you eat first, if it came down to it?

Who do you think would take the major leadership role (i.e., who would be Ralph/Jack from LotF)

Who would go crazy first, assuming that someone did?

Who would we eat first? Box box. Without his computers he becomes nothing.
Sithgirl and I would fight for leadership position but it would come to me eventually... then we would eat sithgirl. But I won't say that I haven't already gone crazy.
Edit: but reading back on these everyone wants to eat me first, so I guess I would kill them all, smoke them, and then hang them up in my underground cellar and just play solitaire.

16. who do u think has a crush on me (ben tan), and i do not mean the person who i know has a crush on me who doesn't even do tangst, i mean the person who posted
i do.

17. Is the pursuit in life the journey or the destination?

18. Do you someday want children? If so, how many?
NO, zero, none, nada, zilch, zero (again).

19-22. If you were a popsicle, what would you taste like?
Would you rather be eaten by a shark or have to live the rest of your life with a cereal box over your head?
Would you rather marry another admin right now, or marry a complete stranger in 5 years?
What is your social security number?

...It was a good try.........

I would taste like awesome. I already do, actually. I would be eaten by the em-effin shark because you know what? I LIKE SHARKS! I would marry an admin now -- frashi. 783-23-5295.

23. What sandwich condiment best fits your personality and why?
Mustard, because I am spicy and hot and desirable, just like all good mustard is.

24. If you could date anybody at Enloe, who would it be? (oh yeah, and why)
There is no reason really for the girl's name to come out, and I don't know why I want to date her. Frankly I don't know which girl I'm talking about. My life is a mess.

25. who at enloe do you think ought to be sr class president? student body president?
I should be. Duh. I'm a natural leader and good person. I'm not going to submit a resume or anything, but I just thought that I would get out there the fact that I'm God.

26. Does anyone in your family know about tangst?
No thank god.

27. Is this spinal tap?

28. What is the relevance of the Etruscan civilization in modern culture?

29. Do you like eating pickled toads?

30. how many non-enloe people use tangst?

31-33. What is your favorite quote, and why?

What is your favorite song or piece of music right now? Why do you like it?

What is your current life philosophy or outlook on life if you have one?

Favorite Quote: "Words are the only bullets in Truth's bandolier, and poets are the snipers." --Martin Silenus, Hyperion, written by Dan Simmons

My favorite piece of music for a long time has been Last Kiss by Pearl Jam. It's so sad and portentous and meaningful.

My current outlook on life is live quickly before you die, because it will happen soon and you'll never get back all this time that you waste. And all the stupidity and meaninglessness will eventually wash away and our expectations and misconceptions will go with them down the drain of eternity. And all that will be left will be the skeletal reality of our selves.

Whoa, don't even know what happened there.

34. What do you breathe for?
I breathe because one day meaning will make itself clear, rather than us trying so hard when we know we'll fail.

35. What was your new year's resolution this year?
not to have one.

36. what does your username mean/how did you choose it?

(i am especially wondering about thewordofrashi,nanotyrannus,swalest'shooth,tintedfragipan,etc....)

I figured I wanted to stand out in a sea of anonymice, so I got myself a Ph.D.

37. What is your favorite type of juice?
White grape juice has been my favorite ever since I was a small child. Now it tastes sharp and tangy to me like the living room of my old house, with a round full feeling in the throat like the sweat beading on a tall glass in my dining room, surrounded by mirrors and looking out the french doors (cracked with paint) onto the raspberry bushes of my youth.

38. Ideal boob size?
Hm... I'm dreadfully uncertain about my ability to properly measure breasts... with numbers and letters and things. I think "C" might be my favorite, but maybe I need to add some numbers to that. I'll look at the girl who I think has the best one's bra.

A bit about Box-Box

1. to all: what is your favorite Tangst post ever and why?

I have no real favorite, though I'm somewhat partial to Hannah + PChis = OTP :-)

2. if you could change your skin color to anything (natural, not natural, patterns, whatever), what would you choose and why?

I'm pretty happy with it right now, really, but I wouldn't mind a little darker. Anything to diminish the speed with which my face has a tendancy to flush on occasion...

3. What is your most convincing argument for the theory that all other people are robots?

Room 110E (CompSci). Or maybe not. I never gave it much thought.

4. If you had to date another admin, who would it be and why?

Hm, assigning numbers and rolling dice gets me TintedFragipan, though I can't say I've ever crushed on any of the other admins ;-)

5. Movie or book that made the biggest impact on you

That particular question demands a single answer with too many deciding factors. Suffice it to say that most works I read or films I watch affect me in some semblance of a significant way.

6. if you could punch anyone in the face Right Now with no repercussions, who would it be? ps. it doesn't matter if they're real/alive

I could never punch someone in the face. The stomach, maybe, but never the face.

7. If you had to kill one of the other admins who would it be?

Kill is such a strong word. On the other hand, threats made against one's digital data can have a similarly devastating effect...

8. to all: Left or Right? (Interpret it as you see fit)

Right-handed, slightly right of center, right over wrong.

9. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Too much. Chalk it up to evolution and a newfound capacity for greed.

10. are you currently single?


11. Have you had sex?


12. Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?
Do you dream at night, do you dream at day?
Do your dreams have meaning, are your dreams a waste?
Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?

(Yes, that was all really a question that I really would like answered - it wasn't meant to be a poem until I started rhyming.)

I dream in color, I dream in grey.
I dream at night, and I dream at class day.
My dreams have meaning, though some are a waste.
I dream in color, and I dream in grey.

13. Do you have a bf/gf?

Yes, the latter.

14. if you could have consequence-free sex with any oter admin, which would it be?

I'll have to join the crowd and agree that it would not be PChis. Although it would probably also not be Knight_Racer, DoctorAnonymous, Tinted, or Rashi. No offense, guys.

15. The premise is that you are stranded on a desert island with all the other admins (a little trite, I know):

Which admin would you eat first, if it came down to it?
It'd have to be DoctorAnonymous. There's just not enough sustinance to be gained from partaking of, say, Sithgirl or NanoTyrannus.

Who do you think would take the major leadership role (i.e., who would be Ralph/Jack from LotF)? I don't know really... I'd probably just sit back and watch it unfold.

Who would go crazy first, assuming that someone did? I think I would level off short of insanity, so my bet is on DoctorAnonymous. Plus, that gives a good excuse to get him on the menu first.

16. who do u think has a crush on me (ben tan), and i do not mean the person who i know has a crush on me who doesn't even do tangst, i mean the person who posted

Ms. Feung ;-)

17. Is the pursuit in life the journey or the destination?

The pursuit in life is the journey. The destination is the goal. Thoughts of good times keep you going when the hard times get you down.

18. Do you someday want children? If so, how many?

One or two might be nice eventually, though a long way into the future, if any.

19-22. If you were a popsicle, what would you taste like? Humans have a tendancy to excrete sweat, which tastes rather salty sometimes. I'd be a salty popsicle.

Would you rather be eaten by a shark or have to live the rest of your life with a cereal box over your head? If the ceral box came with a never-ending supply of those frosted Cheerios, I'll take the latter. Otherwise, bring on the shark.

Would you rather marry another admin right now, or marry a complete stranger in 5 years? The former is the lesser of two ills, though neither would be a good idea. Teen marriage v. marriage to the unknown... not my cup of tea ;-)

What is your social security number?

...It was a good try.........

238-...Wait. Nevermind.

23. What sandwich condiment best fits your personality and why?

Onions. 'Cause they've got layers.

24. If you could date anybody at Enloe, who would it be? (oh yeah, and why)

I'm pretty happy with where I'm at, personally. That's not to say there aren't plenty of great members of the female gender out there, I'm just not in the market for one to date.

25. who at enloe do you think ought to be sr class president? student body president?

Is this one of those "political" things?

26. Does anyone in your family know about tangst?

I don't think so. (Looks over shoulder)

27. Is this spinal tap?

I'll use my trusty penny on this one. Lincoln says no.

28. What is the relevance of the Etruscan civilization in modern culture?

Fairly extensive. Or not. It all depends on your view.

29. Do you like eating pickled toads?

I can't say I fancy them much. There's also the thought of eating one of the colorful poisoned ones. That's a bit of a turn-off for me.

30. how many non-enloe people use tangst?

My educated guess, based solely on traffic data, puts the answer to that question as a mid-four-digit value.

31. What is your favorite quote, and why?

We must use time as a tool, not as a crutch.
-- John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)

32. What is your favorite song or piece of music right now? Why do you like it?

Affirmation (Savage Garden), or Symphony no. 9 in E minor, "From the New World" (Antonin Dvorak). The former for its lyrics, the latter for its incredible, vibrant dynamics.

33. What is your current life philosophy or outlook on life if you have one?

Mostly optimistic living-in-the-moment-ness.

34. What do you breathe for?

Each breath I take, I breathe so that the oxygen content of my blood may be replenished sufficiently, in order that I may continue to operate as a biotic entity.

35. What was your new year's resolution this year?

I told myself to procrastinate less often. It almost worked. But then I remembered it was third quarter. Oh well.

36. what does your username mean/how did you choose it? (i am especially wondering about thewordofrashi,nanotyrannus,swalest'shooth,tintedfragipan,etc....)

龙年, or Long Nian, is Chinese, and translates roughly to "Year of the Dragon," which corrseponds to a significant time in my life, as marked by the Chinese lunar calendar.

37. What is your favorite type of juice?

Some combination of apple and orange. No, I won't make up my mind.

38. Ideal boob size?

I don't really have an opinion on this one. Medium?

39. have you ever been in love?

I don't know.

40. are you gay, lesbian, bisexual, or straight? (ignore this question completely if you feel it is too personal)


41. If you could live forever, would you?

Not if it would eventually involve the endurance of the deaths of those close to me.

thewordofrashi revealed...

Note: Remember to check back here often, as sometimes I reread my answers only to realize that I don't like them, and as such I will change them. I will also address any additional questions.

1. to all: what is your favorite Tangst post ever and why?
"no, really. i love rashi" is currently my favorite. I am intensely curious as to who this is, and if they are the same person that posted either of the last two topics about me, and of course, if they are being serious. I have a hunch, but that's all it is.

2. if you could change your skin color to anything (natural, not natural, patterns, whatever), what would you choose and why?
I am more or less perfectly happy with the skin color I have, although sometimes I feel that I'm a little pasty. That said, during the summer, I tan pretty well.

3. What is your most convincing argument for the theory that all other people are robots?
A certain science teacher I had in the eighth grade was a robot. She sounded like one, and had the emotional range of one. The Ligoners here know what I mean.

4. If you had to date another admin, who would it be and why?
Probably Nano, but to be honest, I really never have had any crushes on any of the admins. Not to offend anyone, of course.

5. Movie or book that made the biggest impact on you
Night, by Elie Wiesel probably had the biggest emotional impact on me. Other books you might want to try are A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving and of course, the Bible is always a good read (if you can get past Leviticus). After reading the entire Ender's Game saga, from both Ender's and Bean's perspectives, I certainly do look at life a little differently, so I suppose that qualifies as well. As for movies, while I do watch them for their artistic value, I really could not say which had the biggest impact on me.

6. if you could punch anyone in the face Right Now with no repercussions, who would it be?

ps. it doesn't matter if they're real/alive

Probably our dear president. I may be a conservative, and I do support him on a wide range of issues, but DAMN. That guy has got to wake up and take charge of his administration. He's killing the Republicans' chances in 08.

7. If you had to kill one of the other admins who would it be?
SwalesT'shooth. Only because I have absolutely no idea who she is.

8. to all: Left or Right?

(Interpret it as you see fit)

Right. I am right handed, and I am a right winger.

9. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I would be willing to bet more than you could. Actually, I believe the correct value converges to e.

10. are you currently single?

11. Have you had sex?

12. Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?
Do you dream at night, do you dream at day?
Do your dreams have meaning, are your dreams a waste?
Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?

(Yes, that was all really a question that I really would like answered - it wasn't meant to be a poem until I started rhyming.)

Never really thought about it. When I remember dreams though, they're always in color. Yes, I daydream just like everyone else, but the 8-9 hours I sleep at night provide much more time for that. Whereas I would like to believe some of my dreams have meaning, most of them just turn out to be freaky, and I cannot remember having any of my dreams that matter come true. You ever notice how you always seem to dream in third person? Maybe it's just me.

13. Do you have a bf/gf?
That's a negator, Skeletor.

14. if you could have consequence-free sex with any oter admin, which would it be?
*sigh* Well, I can tell you that it would not be Pchis. Not that I don't like him or anything. I'm sure he feels the same way.

15. The premise is that you are stranded on a desert island with all the other admins (a little trite, I know):

Which admin would you eat first, if it came down to it?

Who do you think would take the major leadership role (i.e., who would
be Ralph/Jack from LotF)

Who would go crazy first, assuming that someone did?

Who would I eat first? Probably DoctorAnonymous. He's a pretty big guy. Probably last us a while.
The leadership role? Probably Pchis. Or maybe Nano. She made a pretty good Ralph in freshman C&C.
Who would go crazy? Probably box-box. I don't know how he could live without constantly updating Tangst or his own server farm or whatever it is that he does in his spare time.

16. who do u think has a crush on me (ben tan), and i do not mean the person who i know has a crush on me who doesn't even do tangst, i mean the person who posted
Ms. Potter.

17. Is the pursuit in life the journey or the destination?
I thought of a cool answer to this today while I was rolling the Torahs. Once you know where you are, you can figure out exactly where you're going. Make of that what you will.

18. Do you someday want children? If so, how many?
Yeah, I do want children. Probably 2, definitely no more than 3.

19-22. If you were a popsicle, what would you taste like?
Would you rather be eaten by a shark or have to live the rest of your life with a cereal box over your head?
Would you rather marry another admin right now, or marry a complete stranger in 5 years?
What is your social security number?

...It was a good try.........

If I were a popsicle, I would probably taste like a human popsicle. (Ask a silly question...)
I think I would rather live the rest of my life with a cereal box over my head than die....
I'm not sure I get this part, but I would definitely not marry another admin right now. The second part, though. Does that mean marry a complete stranger NOW in 5 years, one that over the next several years I would get to know? Or just pick a whore off the street in 5 years and marry her?
And sure, here's my social security number: ***-**-****. What? You don't read stars? Oh, well.

23. What sandwich condiment best fits your personality and why?
I don't like condiments. I hate ketchup, I hate mustard. I also hate most salad dressings. Pretty much, if it's a condiment, I don't want it. That said, I like salt, which I guess is considered a condiment. Wait! I thought of a better one! Wasabi. Yes, wasabi, final answer.

24. If you could date anybody at Enloe, who would it be? (oh yeah, and why)
*sigh* To tell everyone the truth, whereas I have had a number of crushes on a number of girls throughout my stay at Enloe, I really have absolutely no time for girls right now. No, I am not dead. I really haven't even thought about it.

That said, if you happen to be interested in me, I'm sure I could make time. So for God's sake speak up!

25. who at enloe do you think ought to be sr class president? student body president?
Um....I guess Ashley Pittman. I voted for her to get into that mess. Might as well keep doing it.

26. Does anyone in your family know about tangst?
Yeah, my parents know about it, but only obscurely. They definitely don't check it.

27. Is this spinal tap?
No. This is Tangst. If you want Spinal Tap....eewww

28. What is the relevance of the Etruscan civilization in modern culture?
Well, the Etruscans joined the Romans, such that the Romans would be able to procreate and make babies. This eventually led to the founding of the Roman Empire. Seeing as it was indeed the Romans that crucified Jesus, we would find outselves without a very critical group of people had the Etruscans not existed. Yay for 3 years of Latin.

29. Do you like eating pickled toads?
Well, I can't say. After all, I've never tried. This is most likely because they are not kosher, but even if they were, eating an amphibian seems somewhat....bizarre...

30. how many non-enloe people use tangst?
How the hell should I know? Ask Box-Box.

31. What is your favorite quote, and why?

What is your favorite song or piece of music right now? Why do you like it?

What is your current life philosophy or outlook on life if you have one?

Hmm....my favorite quote? "Who do you love more? Me, or Comrade Stalin?" "Comrade Stalin, of course!"
My favorite song? Only in Dreams by Weezer. Since I started listening to music, it has been, and likely will always be my favorite song. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE should give it a listen. Just the melody and the words and the everyone-being-able-to-relate-to-it factor make it the best ever.
My life philosophy? Shit happens. When it does, just flush the toilet and move on.

32. What do you breathe for?
To stay alive? I assume, however, that you meant what drives me? In that case, I breathe for the future, that one day I will settle down with a wife and kids and continue a tradition that has lasted for thousands of years. And I'm not only talking Judaism. I'm talking the continuation of the human race. Wow, that sounds a little dramatic.

33. What was your new year's resolution this year?
To stop biting my nails. That lasted maybe a week.

34. what does your username mean/how did you choose it?
Well, the story goes back a while, to when I was 13 and studying for my Bar Mitzvah. While I was in the process of writing my D'var Torah, which is more or less like a sermon to be delivered by me regarding the weekly Torah portion, I came across a stumbling block, in which the Torah did not completely explain something. I went to my rabbi, who then referred me to Rashi, an acronym for Rabbi Shlomo ben Izhak, who was a famous bible commentator that lived in 11th century France. Since that time, whenever I have had a question regarding rabbinic/Jewish law or theology or whatever, I have consulted his commentary. Thus, as I am commentating on all of your posts, and Rashi is one of my role models, I am thewordofrashi, so to speak.

35. What is your favorite type of juice?
Probably Apple. You have no idea how good a nice cold glass of apple juice can be.

36. Ideal boob size?
Uh...not too big, but not too small. Preferably in proportion to the actual person. I actually know only one person I can think off that I think would really look better with bigger boobs.

37. Have you ever been in love?

38. are you gay, lesbian, bisexual, or straight?

(ignore this question completely if you feel it is too personal)

Haha. This reminds me of a story back in middle school when people in my bus thought I was gay. I then proceeded to say "I am as straight as this line" and drew a line in the air. Unfortunately, the bus at that very moment hit a bump. Looking back it was actually pretty funny. But with that said, I am straight.

39. If you could live forever, would you?
Certainly not. To have eternal life without eternal youth is a curse, not a blessing. And even if I did have eternal youth as well, I'm not sure I would want to. My friends would all die, and as I would live forever, that would keep happening over and over again. I'm not sure I could live with that.

More than you ever wanted to know about Swalest'Shooth

Favorite Tangst Post Ever:
Actually, my favorite words of Tangst are found in a comment on one of the posts: “Talking about love is like dancing about architecture.” This is the closest I think I’ve ever come to finding a true definition of the word “love.”

What skin color would you have, given any?
Forgive me for my lack of imagination, but I would simply take a healthier accentuation of my natural freckles. Something not quite so academically pasty as my current complexion.

What is your most convincing argument for the theory that all other people are robots?
You know that feeling you get whenever somebody else says something and you have no idea what to say, or you put your foot in your mouth a lot farther than you ever intended to? Ever notice how nobody else seems to do that? It’s because they’ve all got the same script programmed in to their brains and they’re not sharing with you! …what, I’m the only one who ever feels that way around people?

If you had to date another admin, who would it be and why?
Knowing Sysadmin Extraordinare Box-Box in real life and thus already being enamored by his passionately shaped nostrils, I would have to choose him. It would also mean I’d never have to fix my own computer again!

What movie or book made the biggest impact on you?
The Keys of the Kingdom by A. J. Cronin was one of the most amazing books I ever read. It restored my faith in the basic goodness hidden in the dusty bones and books of my often antiquated religion.

If you could punch someone in the face right now with no repercussions, who would it be?
There is a certain member of a certain Narnia fansite who promotes a certain very strict conservative worldview that got certain somewhat liberal members of this fansite somewhat miffed and shunned who I would very much like to maim.

If you had to kill one of the other admins, who would it be?
After careful consideration, it comes to my attention that Nanotyrannus simply knows too much to live. That, and she said that purple just wasn’t my color. For that, she will pay.

Left or right?
I myself am right-handed, though if we’re going by palmistry here, I like what my left hand says better.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck all the wood that was ecologically feasible for him to chuck under a multiple-use sustained yield logging program using a selective cutting method that caused as little permanent damage to the surrounding ecosystem as possible.

Are you currently single?
No, I’m quite happily married. I mean attached.

Have you had sex?
Yes, and before the comments start, I would like to state that I prefer the term skankwhore to other such colorful monikers as ho bag, skankmuffin, or slutbucket.

Do you dream in color?
Yes, I dream in vibrant hues—the coloration of my dreams is often one of the most vividly remembered elements about them. I dream at any time when I am asleep, night or day, though my most interesting and detailed dreaming seems to take place at night. Some of my dreams do have great meaning. Others are no more than the bored amusements of a slumbering mind. Those amusements often seem to include physically infeasible roller coasters, often made of baked goods.

Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I believe the “are you single” question already covered this; yes, I have a wonderful boyfriend with whom I am very happy.

If you could have consequence-free sex with any other admin, who would it be?
Oh, Nanotyrannus, surely. Because then I could kill her and make absolutely sure that it was consequence-free.

If you were stranded on a desert island with the other admins, who would you eat first?
Hm… there’s some nice lean meat on TintedFragipan. His name even sounds like an exotic desert.

Who would take on a role of leadership?
While sithgirl would of course maintain her iron grip on the power behind the throne, her puppet figurehead would most likely be PChis.

Who would go crazy first, assuming that someone did?
CajunExplosion is pretty much already there. Not far to go before he’s coming down off a mountain ravin’ about a dead parachuter and getting himself killed by crazy British schoolboys.

Who do you think has a crush on Ben Tan?
I don’t know Ben Tan personally, nor do I know of any members of the opposite or same sex who would hold deep feelings for him. For all I know, Ben Tan started the whole thing himself.

Is the pursuit in life the journey or the destination?
Why differentiate, when neither one has meaning without the other?

Do you someday want children? If so, how many?
Yes, I would someday like children, hopefully no more than about two. And by “someday,” I mean someday far in the future. Not now, obviously.

If you were a Popsicle, what would you taste like?
Sugary and artificial, just like Popsicles.

Would you rather be eaten by a shark or have to life the rest of your life with a cereal box over your head?
Where did you come up with that one? Anyway, cereal box. Definitely. Especially if it’s one of those ones with the maze printed on the back where you have to help Buzz the Honey Bee find the hive. As a child, I always wondered why the bees, if their interest was in making honey, built their hive on the other side of a huge, complicated maze from the flower fields.

Would you rather marry another admin right now, or marry a complete stranger in five years?
Damn… widen that category to “admin or contributor,” and I’d be able to give a much more decisive answer. Still, I’d probably rather hitch up with an admin that I know.

What sandwich condiment best fits your personality and why?
I liken myself to cranberry mustard: uncommon, slightly disgusting to the unadventurous soul, and tiresome after the novelty has worn off and you’ve been having it on ham and cheese sandwiches for years. Actually… I’ve got a powerful hankering for a ham, cheese, and cranberry mustard sandwich right now.

If you could date anybody at Enloe, who would it be and why?
Damn, but why must these categories constrict so? Ah, in any case… I believe that, simply out of curiosity, I would want to date Stanton Abramson, to find out how he learns all his secret inside information about the inner workings of our alma mater.

Who at Enloe do you think should be student body president? Senior class president?
My vote goes to Keri Judd, for wheelchairing me across campus after I threw up and fainted during the Enloe Blood Drive.

Does anyone in your family know about Tangst?
Tangst is my family. :)

Is this spinal tap?
"But you see, our speakers are louder-- they go to eleven."

What is the relevance of the Etruscan civilization on modern culture?
I think that the Etruscans were one of those civilizations that must have been discussed in the colored boxes in the World History textbook, because I sure don't remember them. Poor Etruscans. I think I walked past some Etruscan art in the Vatican Museum, though.

Do you like eating pickled toads?
No. I do not like picked toads, I would not eat them in a box, I would not eat them with a fox, etc., etc.

How many non-Enloe people use Tangst?
I don't know. I for one am an Enloe people, and I use Tangst. So at least not one non-Enloe people uses Tangst. ...did that last sentence make sense?

What is your favorite quote, and why?
"Darkness is no evil in itself; only man's fear and ignorance make it so." -Leigh Ann Hussey
Not only does this quote hail from the best vampire story ever written by anyone, ever, it states a basic truth.

What is your favorite song or piece of music right now? Why do you like it?
Have you ever heard Journey of the Sorcerer? How can one not love this amazing orchestration of space-age banjo music?

What is your current philosophy on life?
It exists. Live it. And if you screw up, don't worry. You'll be dead soon enough anyway.

What do you breathe for?
The oxygen assists in cellular respiration and the production of ATP molecules which release energy useful for powering most bodily functions.

What was your New Year's Resolution this year?
To keep up my grades, learn to ski, get my driver's license, and read the books that various people keep lending me. That last one's giving me a bit of trouble.

What does your username mean?
Mr. Swales is my all-time favorite character from Dracula. He is a minor character with a severe speech impediment who befriends Lucy and Mina during their stay at Whitby. He dies in the early chapters, but not before being very awesome and Swalesy. T'Shooth is D'ni for "of death," which I chose for its sutiable angstyness. If you don't know what D'ni is, you don't know me in real life. Try typing it in to Google and see what you get.

What is your favorite type of juice?
I love killing younglings. Their blood tastes like delicious red berries.

Ideal boob size?
Well, having just gone bra shopping, I realize that though I had assumed that I posessed only a 36-B bust, my true size, as far as strapless comfort is concerned, is more along the lines of 34-D. ...I am somewhat happy with this fact.

Have you ever been in love?
As of three months and twenty six days ago, very yes.

Are you gay, lesbian, bisexual, or straight?
I am generally straight and had assumed myself to be so until very recently when certain events and revelations indicated that I may in fact be bisexual. Not that it matters.

If you could live forever, would you?
A difficult question to answer, and I believe the tagline for the most recent Tuck Everlasting movie. You know, the one starring Alexis Bledel? It was one of the few movies that I believe was significantly better than the book because of liberties taken by the moviemaker. I mean, raising Winnie's age from ten to seventeen really helps with the believability of her promising herself in marriage to that guy in the family whose name I forget. The movie was not bad. The book kind of was. Maybe I just like Alexis Bledel too much, since she's Rory. Then again, in another adaptation of a beloved girl novel, Alexis played Lena and the moviemakers took far too many bad liberties with her story from The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, reducing her emotionally complicated relationship with Kostos to a sort of Romeo-Juliet forbidden love thing that played better on screen than the original book-long denial and slow self-discovery. So I'm not just biased towards Bledel. Oh dear, like a lecture on American History in Dr. Hoffman's class when someone mentions Jews, this discussion has taken significant time out on an unrelated tangent. In any case, I do not think I would want to live forever. Environmental Science makes the future look like suckiness.

PChis's Answers to Life, the Universe, and Everything (well...actually just your questions)

Well boys and girls, this is horribly outdated, so for right now I'm taking it down.

Perhaps you will see some new answers in the future.

The Creator Speaks

1. to all: what is your favorite Tangst post ever and why?

Um... I really don't have a favorite one in particular. I generally like the ones that make me smile/laugh/giggle. I also enjoy the ones where I immediately think, "Hey, I could have written that (only less eloquently)."

2. if you could change your skin color to anything (natural, not natural, patterns, whatever), what would you choose and why?

Radioactive neon green. Actually, I like my skin color, but I wish it were more even (I'm currently having skin issues - acne, lupus, tan lines, etc).

3. What is your most convincing argument for the theory that all other people are robots?

*is boring* I honestly haven't thought about it that hard. I have no argument.

4. If you had to date another admin, who would it be and why?

Am I allowed to just sit here and laugh at this one? Because really, I am.
In all seriousness though, I'm already dating another admin. He's nice, he makes me laugh, he puts up with me in all my various moods and states of mind, and he can beat me in semantic arguments. Plus, he's tall.

5. Movie or book that made the biggest impact on you

Oy vey. There are tons of books that have largely impacted me. And it's a rather wide range as well. For the short list: Baby Goofy Catches a Fish, Emily's House, Anne of Green Gables, The Joy Luck Club, Fight Club, Collapse, Pride and Prejudice, Altas Shrugged, Philosophical Dictionary, Devil's Dictionary, Sleeping Over and Spanish Disco. For movies, the short list includes: almost all of the Disney Classics, The Joy Luck Club, Garden State, Dogma, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

6. if you could punch anyone in the face Right Now with no repercussions, who would it be? ps. it doesn't matter if they're real/alive

I'd go with Scarlett O'Hara. Or one of the various Looters in the Rand books.

7. If you had to kill one of the other admins who would it be?

Hmm, good question. I wouldn't kill any of the other admins, we're all really good friends. The contributors... are a completely different story. :D

8. to all: Left or Right? (Interpret it as you see fit)

Right-handed; right and left-brained. Socially left, economically right.

9. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


10. are you currently single?


11. Have you had sex?


12. Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?
Do you dream at night, do you dream at day?
Do your dreams have meaning, are your dreams a waste?
Do you dream in color, do you dream in grey?
(Yes, that was all really a question that I really would like answered - it wasn't meant to be a poem until I started rhyming.)

No idea to first two; I don't know because I don't remember my dreams, yes they are a waste; repeat first answer.

13. Do you have a bf/gf?

At the moment, yes, I have a boyfriend.

14. if you could have consequence-free sex with any oter admin, which would it be?

Well, obviously it'd be PChis.

15. The premise is that you are stranded on a desert island with all the other admins (a little trite, I know):
Which admin would you eat first, if it came down to it?
Who do you think would take the major leadership role (i.e., who would be Ralph/Jack from LotF)
Who would go crazy first, assuming that someone did?

I wouldn't eat any of the other admins, friends don't let friends eat other friends.
I honestly don't know who would take the major leadership role. I'm no good in nature situations so I'd just sit back and see what the others do. There would probably be a struggle in the beginning for control/dominance/whatever, but whoever proves to be the most competent would win support faster - we're pretty much all rationals.
I think either me or Dan would go crazy first. There's no Internet connection on desert islands. Although Hannah might die from lack of flute practice...

16. who do u think has a crush on me (ben tan), and i do not mean the person who i know has a crush on me who doesn't even do tangst, i mean the person who posted

No idea. Please use proper punctuation and capitalization next time (my OCD is just itching to reformat this questions).

17. Is the pursuit in life the journey or the destination?

It's always the journey. My destination changes daily. Plus, I get distracted really easily.

18. Do you someday want children? If so, how many?

Eventually I want kids. 2 or 3, depending on whether or not the first one kills me.

19-22. If you were a popsicle, what would you taste like?
Would you rather be eaten by a shark or have to live the rest of your life with a cereal box over your head?
Would you rather marry another admin right now, or marry a complete stranger in 5 years?
What is your social security number?
...It was a good try.........

Orange-raspberry (or is it raspberry-orange?); is the cereal still in the cereal box? (because that definitely affects my answer); marry another admin (strangers can be creepier than the admins, weird, I know); xxx-xxxx-xx (crack that code, beyotches).

23. What sandwich condiment best fits your personality and why?

I have no idea what constitutes as a sandwich condiment these days.

24. If you could date anybody at Enloe, who would it be? (oh yeah, and why)

*laughs and refers readers to questions 4, 10, 13 and 14* The person I'm dating now. You guys should check Facebook more often. As to why, it's pretty much just cause I like him.

25. who at enloe do you think ought to be sr class president? student body president?

I have no idea. Who's running?

26. Does anyone in your family know about tangst?

In my immediate family, no. In the extended family, one of my cousins randomly found the site. Then showed it to me. I laughed in my head and couldn't contain my smile.

27. Is this spinal tap?

Maybe. Enough of us know how to play instruments and act crazy. We should be able to pull it off.

28. What is the relevance of the Etruscan civilization in modern culture?

Various inventions and design techniques. To piss off Dr. E, basically nothing important.

29. Do you like eating pickled toads?

Not particularly. I don't like pickled food items, I find them a tad gross. Pickled ginger, pickled cucumbers, pickled cow's tongue, etc. The byproduct of eating at authentic Chinese restuarants, I guess.

30. how many non-enloe people use tangst?

No idea. Ask Box-Box, he's the one writing and running the counter programs. I just check the stats in the monthly report, same as everyone else.

31-33. What is your favorite quote, and why?
What is your favorite song or piece of music right now? Why do you like it?
What is your current life philosophy or outlook on life if you have one?

Like all other "favorite" things, I have a list instead of one specific thing. Right now, I'll go with "It's the friends you can call up at four a.m. that matter." by Marlene Dietrich. I like it because it holds a lot of personal significance.
At the moment, one of my favorite songs (or at least the one I'm playing on repeat) is Guns N Roses' "November Rain." I'm also really liking Dido's "Here With Me" and "This Land is Mine."
Currently, I'm trying to be as happy as possible. I'm taking things day by day, and not making any really concrete plans for the future (near or far). I've learned from experience that the best things aren't expected or planned at all, they just happen. I fall into bouts of pessimism every now and then, I want to stop. In general, I tend to be a rational realist. I could stand to be more optimistic.

34. What do you breathe for?

I breathe to keep living, talking, singing, and laughing. Which to me, are all basically the same thing.

35. What was your new year's resolution this year?

To make this year better than the last. I also want to see my friends more often, be a more open person, and get more sleep. The entire list is here.

36. what does your username mean/how did you choose it? (i am especially wondering about thewordofrashi, nanotyrannus, swalest'shooth, tintedfragipan, etc....)

Mine is from my school login ID, last name plus first initial. Except Blogger didn't take that as acceptable because it's not 6 or more characters. The woes of having a short last name.

37. What is your favorite type of juice?

Apple. Though I really miss Mystic's Strawberry Watermelon flavor. I also have a fondness for Welch's white grape juice.

38. Ideal boob size?

What I'm at right now works well enough for me. Every now and then I'll wish I was slighty smaller, but whatever. I'm pretty proportional, and that's all that matters.